Sui Generis Wiki

Mind is one of the six forms of Thaumaturgy. It's possible uses are: influencing the minds of others; causing various mental effects to others; controlling the minds of others; raising the dead. Added to Exanima 0.8 on 1st April 2020.

Ability Tree[ | ]


Powers[ | ]

Loyalty[ | ]

Loyalty Mentioned by developers on 31st Oct 2018. Hypnotises an enemy, even undead to fight for you at the cost of some sustained focus.

Prerequisites: Trust and Continuity

Trust[ | ]


Mentioned by developers on 31st Oct 2018. Makes a hostile foe stop fighting you.
Prerequisites: Calm
Mods: Directed Trust - Requires Convergence

Calm[ | ]

Calm Calms and reduces the opponent's willingness to attack. Enemies can still be hostile even when calmed.
Prerequisites: Innate affinity with mind Thaumaturgy
Mods: MassCalm Mass Calm - Requires Expansion

Enrage[ | ]

Enrage Enrages the opponent, potentially inciting it to attack anyone that it sees regardless of its affiliation with any group
Prerequisites: Calm and Inversion
Mods: MassEnrage Mass Enrage - Requires Expansion

Mask Mind[ | ]

B928e019a47cf8ce5a08b5999ac5472f Hides the presence of your mind from other creatures and Thaumaturges, potentially making you imperceptible to creatures who don't use eyes to orientate themselves such as skeletons.
Prerequisites: Innate affinity with mind Thaumaturgy and Inversion

Mods: Continuous Mask Mind - Requires Continuity

Mind Sense[ | ]

E50c3cc94c0ae074cf4e5fa6cec396d5 Senses the presence of other minds. Shows the mood of a creature via colors: Blue - Calm, Yellow - Wary/Agitated/Etc. (represents many different moods), Red - Angry, Purple - Afraid, White - Unknown/Unreadable
Mods: Continuous Mind Sense - Requires Continuity

Suspicion[ | ]

Cf65cc89d74003c3aceb81f6525bdd65 Makes a target suspect another target that it would normally be friendly to.

Prerequisites: Trust and Inversion

Possession[ | ]

Bcf670475fecbe0fbb5a9a5d0c094538 Take control of a mind, allowing you to directly control another creature or person.
Prerequisites: Spirit Form, Loyalty and Union

Fear[ | ]

1136b7ec7c6f3ca3de708da16a16abb1 Makes a target afraid and potentially flee from you (?)

Prerequisites: Confusion, Suspicion and Union.

Mods: Mass Fear - Requires Expansion

Confusion[ | ]

0023b094038088b03d3d2d239fb230fc Makes a target confused and unable to recognise those around it, potentially mistaking friends for enemies and enemies for friends.

Prerequisites: Innate affinity with mind Thaumaturgy

Mods: Mass Confusion - Requires Expansion

Embolden[ | ]

Da3a16d6a0f5702135fce84fa1cf6711 Rallies a target's spirit to become more brave in the face of terrifying things like large demons.

Prerequisites: Fear

Command Dead[ | ]

023e0a5615bb51deef0cc5471e729a32 Raises up to 3 undead or skeletal servants (If Continuity II and III are taken) to fight for you.

Prerequisites: Possession

Banish Dead[ | ]

37258dca6a9dbc89e527d80f6118767d Severs the link of the dead's control over it's body.

Prerequisites: Command Dead

(Not yet implemented as of update

Spirit Form[ | ]

3e3b2d7de3ddd0002e125385c772ba80 Manifests the user in spirit form. With this, it is possible to phase through even locked doors.

Prerequisites: Mask Mind and Coherence

Capabilities[ | ]

Some effects include Ogres being specifically controllable by the use of mind control in a thread about non-human races on the forums. Also, necromancy is related to the concept of the transcendent mind, which all creatures possess to a certain extent, which can linger after death. Necromancy powers will likely be continuous powers.

Certain creatures, such as Sir, Ghouls, and other similar beasts are immune to the influences of Mind Thaumaturgy, even repelling attempts to sense their state of mind.
